We can all benefit from writing random "toy" programs to push ourselves to the limit by setting artificial limits. -- Donald Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming If you can learn as much from failure as you can from success, you need a relatively private space to look for the loss. In balling acrobatics, a performer who tosses three balls will never progress if he has never tossed five. Those who spend hours picking dropped balls until their back hurts eventually get good at it. The same lesson applies to software, where software workers often need to step out of their comfort zone to try something they're not good at it. It is by taking bold chances again and again that you improve your skills, that you learn and grow from failure after failure. Just as a three-ball-tossing performer does not throw five balls in a formal performance, software developers often make mistakes in new areas. Software developers also need a safe place to make mistakes. It's terrible not...
White-box or glass-box testing is testing from a program's source code without using the user interface. This type of testing needs to look at code syntax to find flaws or errors in the internal code in algorithms, overflows, paths, conditions, and so on, and then fix them. Black-box testing, or black-box testing, is rigorously tested by using the entire software or a software function without examining the source code of the program or having a clear understanding of how the program or the source code of a software function was designed. Testers understand how the software works by entering their data and seeing the results. Typically, testers run tests using not only input data that is guaranteed to give correct results but also input data that is challenging and may result in errors in order to understand how the software handles various types of data. The program under test is treated as a black box, without considering the internal structure and characteristics of the program...
API is short for Application Programming Interface (API), which describes a class library's characteristics or how to use it. Your personal library may contain "API documentation" of available functionality. A REST API in API Gateway is a collection of resources and methods integrated with back-end HTTP endpoints, Lambda functions, or other AWS services. You can use API Gateway features to help you with all aspects of the API lifecycle, from creation through monitoring your production APIs. API Gateway REST APIs use a request/response model where a client sends a request to a service and responds back synchronously. This kind of model is suitable for many different kinds of applications that depend on synchronous communication. When many people refer to API documentation these days, they often refer to an HTTP API that might share your application data over the web. For example, Twitter provides an API that allows users to request tweets in a specific format to easily i...
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