What is Rest API


API is short for Application Programming Interface (API), which describes a class library's characteristics or how to use it. Your personal library may contain "API documentation" of available functionality.

A REST API in API Gateway is a collection of resources and methods integrated with back-end HTTP endpoints, Lambda functions, or other AWS services. You can use API Gateway features to help you with all aspects of the API lifecycle, from creation through monitoring your production APIs.

API Gateway REST APIs use a request/response model where a client sends a request to a service and responds back synchronously. This kind of model is suitable for many different kinds of applications that depend on synchronous communication.

When many people refer to API documentation these days, they often refer to an HTTP API that might share your application data over the web. For example, Twitter provides an API that allows users to request tweets in a specific format to easily import them into their own applications. This is where the HTTP API is potent. It can mix and match data from multiple applications to a mixed application or create an application that enhances the experience of using other people's applications.

It is an application that allows us to view, create, edit, and delete parts.

REST is the shorthand for Representational State Transfer, which was proposed by Roy Fielding T to describe the standard way of creating an HTTP API, and he found that the four common behaviors (view, create, edit, and delete) could all be mapped directly to the implementations in HTTP.

The different HTTP methods:









Most of the time, when you're looking at your browser's dots, you're using the HTTP GET method. The GET method is only used when you request resources from the Internet. When you submit a form, you often use the POST method to send data back to the site. As for the other approaches, some browsers may not fully implement them at all. But that's fine if it's for our use. We have many HTTP methods to choose from to help describe these four behaviors, and we will use client libraries that already know how to use these different HTTP methods.

Rest API benefits:

Resource oriented, easy to see

To GET something, you need to GET (GET is safe, does not modify the service resource), you need to POST (POST is unsafe), you need to PUT (PUT is idempotent), and DELETE (DELETE is idempotent).

Traditional CRUD requires four different interfaces, but the REST API requires only one. (Distinguish between different requests)




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